The students will understand the strategic dimension of fi-nance.
They will develop the ability to calculate cash flows on their own. They will understand the relation between risk and return and be able to use their knowledge for evaluating decisions, especially in the area of capital budgeting.
They will be able to analyse the characteristics of equity and debt financing; based on this, they will be able to evaluate finance situations and take financing decisions.
CFO Agenda and the Finance Function
Finance & Strategy
Cash Flow Calculation
Balance Sheet and Income Statement
Statement of Cash Flows
Free Cash Flow (FCF)
Capital Budgeting
Advanced Forms: Real Options
Capital Market Theory
Risk and Return: CAPM
Cost of Capital; Leverage
Capital Structure
Role of Equity and Debt
Modigliani/Miller Model
Trade-off Theory
Dividend Policy
Residual Theory
Lecture using a combination of media (blackboard work, projector)
Exercises on the computer
Case study discussions
Group work
Written examination (100%)